Touch Rugby at Lake Trail to End July 30th

Jul 18, 2012

Hello Kickers, your executive would like to remind you that as of Monday, July 30th, the fields at Lake trail Middle School will be used by the Women’s and Junior Teams for practice. Those wishing to come out for a game of touchies on Thursday, August 2nd, will meet at the clubhouse. The field there […]

Hello Kickers,

your executive would like to remind you that as of Monday, July 30th, the fields at Lake trail Middle School will be used by the Women’s and Junior Teams for practice.

Those wishing to come out for a game of touchies on Thursday, August 2nd, will meet at the clubhouse. The field there is ready for use and hopefully there will be some social time after the last touch rugby session before training for the fall season starts in full.

Men’s senior practice sessions will start Tuesday, August 7th and we are hoping to get access to the Cumberland Village fields so as to be able to practice in a full field. Coach Frank would like to see all players show up and be ready for training by 6:30pm.