Kickers Looking for Your Help

Jan 20, 2012

  Jared Hendry is spearheading a project to provide sports equipment to impoverished children ages 5 to 18 years old in the Philippines. He is collecting equipment for soccer, basketball and rugby. He is working with a Non-Governmental Organization, WE  International  Philippines, ( which works extensively with children in the Smokey Mountain garbage dump just […]


Jared Hendry is spearheading a project to provide sports equipment to impoverished children ages 5 to 18 years old in the Philippines. He is collecting equipment for soccer, basketball and rugby.

He is working with a Non-Governmental Organization, WE  International  Philippines, ( which works extensively with children in the Smokey Mountain garbage dump just outside of Manila.

These families struggle every day to survive by collecting recyclable items from the trash that surrounds them. Glass, metal, paper and plastic are collected on a daily basis by both adult and child scavengers who sell these items to middle men, who in turn sell them at a higher price to recycling factories. This meager daily income is often the family’s only source of revenue. WE International works one-on-one with villagers to establish education, medical care, facilitate economic development and sports programs for children.

Any runners, cleats, balls or jerseys you may have around the house will greatly benefit these children that have been born into unbelievable poverty.

The Kickers Rugby Club is asking everyone, if you please have any old equipment you no longer use to please donate.  The club will be collecting the equipment from now until mid-February for Jared to send, and there will be a box left inside the clubhouse for your thoughtful donations!