Kickers vs. the Outback Barbarians – Celebrating Rugby

Kickers vs. the Outback Barbarians – Celebrating Rugby

On Thursday, 23 June Cumberland Village Park played host to a once in a lifetime rugby experience for the Comox Valley Kickers RFC, as they ran onto the field in opposition to a touring side from Australia - the Outback Barbarians. A well-sponsored but fairly new team, the BaaBaa’s (as the lads refer to themselves) followed a grueling first fresh-off-the-plane defeat against Capilano in Vancouver, with an introduction to island life the evening before the game, as some of the Kickers took the team tubing down the Puntledge and sampling some of the local tastes on offer. This clearly did not slow the touring team down as they gave the Kickers a taste of what rugby is like down under with a 64 - 5 defeat. As the team captain said later in the evening: “It’s great to see that the spirit of rugby is alive and kicking on Vancouver Island. Despite what the scoreboard says it was clearly evident that everyone was having a good time.” The Kickers showed the visitors some more island-style hospitality after the game, when club member Shayne Stuchberry of Coastal Trek prepared meatpies and mash for the more than 60 hungry players, support crew, family members, and others. The Aussies certainly appreciated the gesture and lifelong friendship between the two rugby clubs was cemented during an exchange of gifts, and some more nefarious penalties for friendly infractions throughout the day. The Kickers would like to extend their thanks to the Village of Cumberland, Shayne Stuchberry, the Outback Barbarians and their support crew, and everyone that came out to watch this historic...
FRANK BAULCOMB 1962 – ­2016

FRANK BAULCOMB 1962 – ­2016

Frank Baulcomb was born in Suva, Fiji on December 7th, 1962, when his father was stationed there as an employee of Air New Zealand. When Frank was a young boy his father’s job took the family back to New Zealand where Frank enrolled in a Catholic school that, like all schools in that rugby­mad country, had a strong rugby program and Frank took to it like a duck to water. Frank continued played all through his schooling and at 18 he followed his parents to Canada where he joined the Richmond Rugby Club. His no compromise playing style and physique quickly earned him a spot on the club’s First Fifteen. In Richmond, Frank met his wife Christine and on their wedding night, they attended the Annual Awards Banquet before flying off for their honeymoon. As time passed Frank and Christine had two daughters, Celina and Jackie, and both of them spent their childhood around the rugby club. It was like a second home to them and they would come home dirty and happy every Saturday from the club. Frank became a leader at Richmond Rugby and his brutal but honest play and words still resonate with his teammates even today. They respected him for he, as their player/coach, pushed them to be better players and when it became time to retire from playing Frank became the club’s head coach. In 2001, Frank and family moved to Nanaimo, where, missing rugby, Frank went down to the Nanaimo Hornets and watched a few games, but reluctant to join the club, he spent most of his weekends at home, feeling depressed. On Thursday evenings when he should have been at rugby training, Frank’s daughters began to ask: “Daddy...
Junior Rugby Recruitment Camp – 13 September

Junior Rugby Recruitment Camp – 13 September

Interested kids age 12 and up, come out and try the sport everyone is talking about. Skills in the morning, lunch and chalk talk, and then game play in the afternoon. Rugby is a sport where everyone is welcome and teamwork is paramount. This contact sport is growing on our island and around Canada with the introduction of Seven-a-Side rugby at the Rio Olympics in 2016. Cleats and mouth guard required, lunch to be provided, free registration. RSVP on the Facebook event or email us at - See you on the pitch!...
Roc Le Fort 1964-2014

Roc Le Fort 1964-2014

With great sadness, long time Kickers alumni and friend Roc LeFort passed away suddenly September 7th 2014 in a motorbike accident. Roc was a good man and a great friend to many, at the club you could always find him involved in some intense foosball matches that went on longer than his well known poker tournaments. Or behind the bar lending a hand, and at a Saturday night social he would always be one of the last guys standing. On the field he played with his heart and for his team mates. A true club man. His family will be holding a celebration of life this Monday the 15th at 11 Mitchell road in Courtenay 1:30pm, for anyone wishing to attend. The Kickers will be putting on an informal social Saturday September 20th in his honor (exact details to follow) for those wishing to come. Greg Merchant will be organizing a foosball tourney and Roc’s jersey will be retired and hung up in the club. RIP Roc Le Fort, you will surely be missed by...
Touch Rugby

Touch Rugby

With summer in full swing, the Kickers is hosting touch rugby Thursday nights 6:30 at the club and will continue to run every week until fall season training begins.. Touch games are open to all ages, fitness levels, ect. Come out, bring a friend or two and stay for some socializing afterwards!    ...